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Санкт-Петербург, ул. Пушкинская , 12/2



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Excellent pores mask with eggs white Peeling removes decoction of flax seeds 2 soup spoon seeds with coldness h2o (2 cups) and make until you possess a paste To ever lips were gentle and well-groomed, but it did not lose its natural lovely, it is necessary to competently apply alternate means of purchased with home - these recipes get ever had lots of women, but in our time, forgot around them, and it is in vain.Similar articles: Masks for skin and hair Masks and face care body 40 years Masks and face care at night Excellent pores cover with eggs white Recommended for aging facial skin mask with raspberries (1 tablespoon), cheese (a same), and honey (1 tsp.) Ingredients mash with a fork until smooth and put on face for 10-Fifteen minutes The best home look after lips - masks of food and other organic components: you have all to do a lips gentle and bright.The mask of flesh sweet red apple moisturizes, nourishes and softens lips peeled clove of fresh red apple rub on a small grater, mash 1 tsp gruel with teaspoonful softened the butter for Fifteen minutes and is used to the lips Excellent pores mask with eggs white
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